Saturday, July 27, 2024





  1. What does “Injuria sine damno” refer to?
    A. Injury with damage
    B. Injury without damage
    C. Damage without injury
    D. Damages caused by negligence
  2. In a case of “Injuria sine damno,” what does the plaintiff need to prove?
    A. Actual physical harm
    B. Financial loss
    C. Violation of legal rights without actual loss
    D. Negligence by the defendant
  3. Which of the following is true regarding “Injuria sine damno”?
    A. Damages are always awarded in such cases
    B. Only nominal damages are awarded
    C. No damages are awarded
    D. Punitive damages are awarded
  4. “Injuria sine damno” focuses on:
    A. Proving the extent of physical harm
    B. Proving financial loss
    C. Violation of legal rights
    D. Demonstrating negligence
  5. What is the Latin meaning of “Injuria sine damno”?
    A. Injury without cause
    B. Injury without fault
    C. Injury without damage
    D. Injury without intent
  6. Which of the following is an example of “Injuria sine damno”?
    A. A person suffers a physical injury due to negligence
    B. A person’s reputation is falsely tarnished without any financial loss
    C. A person loses their job due to breach of contract
    D. A person’s property is damaged by a careless driver
  7. What kind of damages are typically awarded in cases of “Injuria sine damno”?
    A. Compensatory damages
    B. Punitive damages
    C. Substantial damages
    D. Nominal damages
  8. Which legal principle does “Injuria sine damno” emphasize?
    A. Proximate cause
    B. Causation
    C. Actual loss
    D. Infringement of legal rights without actual loss
  9. In a case of “Injuria sine damno,” what does the plaintiff seek to protect?
    A. Their physical well-being
    B. Their financial interests
    C. Their legal rights and dignity
    D. The defendant’s reputation
  10. Which legal maxim is associated with the concept of “Injuria sine damno”?
    A. “Actus non facit reum nisi mens sit rea”
    B. “Res ipsa loquitur”
    C. “Injuria absque damno”
    D. “Volenti non fit injuria”

ANSWER 1.B 2. C 3. B 4. C 5. C 6.B 7.D 8.D 9.C 10.C

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