Saturday, July 27, 2024





  1. What is the main difference between assault and battery?
    A. Assault involves physical contact, while battery does not.
    B. Battery involves physical contact, while assault does not.
    C. Assault involves threats of harm, while battery involves physical harm.
    D. Assault and battery are the same thing
  2. Which of the following is considered an intentional tort involving harmful or offensive physical contact?
    A. Negligence
    B. Defamation
    C. Assault
    D. Battery
  3. Battery typically requires:
    A. Actual physical harm to the victim.
    B. An intentional act causing fear of imminent harmful or offensive contact.
    C. Malicious intent to damage property.
    D. Unintentional negligence.
  4. Which of the following is an example of an assault?
    A. Punching someone in the face.
    B. Threatening to punch someone and raising a fist.
    C. Intentionally causing a physical injury.
    D. Accidentally bumping into someone on the street.
  5. Battery usually involves;
    A. Verbal threats.
    B. Intentional physical contact without consent.
    C. Accidental physical contact.
    D. Emotional distress.
  6. Which of the following is NOT a necessary element to prove battery?
    A. Intentional physical contact.
    B. Harmful or offensive contact.
    C. Lack of consent from the victim.
    D. The victim’s fear of imminent harm
  7. If someone consents to a physical activity and is injured during that activity, which of the following is true?
    A. The injured person can always sue for battery.
    B. The injured person cannot sue for battery due to consent.
    C. Consent is irrelevant in a battery case.
    D. The injured person can only sue for assault.
  8. What is the typical defense in a battery case if the defendant can prove that they acted in self-defense or in defense of others?
    A. Consent
    B. Necessity
    C. Duress
    D. Justification.
  9. Which of the following is a criminal offense rather than a civil tort?
    A. Negligence
    B. Assault
    C. Defamation
    D. Intentional infliction of emotional distress
  10. What might be a consequence of being found liable for assault or battery in a civil case?
    A. Imprisonment
    B. Fines paid to the government
    C. Compensation paid to the victim
    D. Mandatory community service

ANSWER KEY 1. B 2. D 3. B 4. B 5. B 6. D 7. B 8. D 9. B 10. C

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