Saturday, July 27, 2024





  1. What is defamation?
    A. Making false statements about someone
    B. Expressing opinions about someone
    C. Sharing private information with consent
    D. Promoting positive qualities of a person
  2. Which of the following is an essential element of defamation?
    A. Truth
    B. Opinion
    C. Privacy
    D. Friendship
  3. Defamation can be categorized into which two main types?
    A. Slander and invasion of privacy
    B. Slander and libel
    C. Libel and invasion of privacy
    D. Slander and freedom of speech
  4. Which of the following is a written form of defamation?
    A. Slander
    B. Gossip
    C. Rumor
    D. Libel
  5. In defamation cases, what does the plaintiff need to prove?
    A. The defendant had good intentions
    B. The statement was made in a private setting
    C. The statement was false and damaging
    D. The statement was a joke
  6. Which defense involves proving that the statement was true and therefore not defamatory?
    A. Sarcasm defense
    B. Honest opinion defense
    C. Truth defense
    D. Privilege defense
  7. What is the term for a legal defense that protects statements made in certain contexts, such as during legislative proceedings?
    A. Sarcasm defense
    B. Absolute privilege
    C. Qualified privilege
    D. Honest opinion defense
  8. Which of the following is NOT a potential remedy for defamation?
    A. Retraction
    B. Apology
    C. Monetary damages
    D. Public shaming
  9. What is the legal term for a false statement that harms a person’s reputation, but is made to a third party, not the person themselves?
    A. Libel
    B. Slander
    C. Invasion of privacy
    D. Defamatory statement
  10. What is the significance of a statement being considered a “pure opinion”?
    A. It is always protected speech and cannot be defamatory.
    B. It is automatically considered defamatory.
    C. It can only be made in writing.
    D. It is a form of slander.

ANSWER KEY 1. – A 2. – A 3. – B 4. – D 5. – C 6. – C 7. – B 8. – D 9. – B 10. – A

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