Saturday, July 27, 2024






  1. The general rules of succession in the case of female Hindu are contained in
    (A) Section 9 of the Hindu Succession Act, 1956
    (B) Section 10 of the Hindu Succession Act, 1956
    (C) Section 15 of the Hindu Succession Act, 1956
    (D) Section 14 of the Hindu Succession Act, 1956
  2. Section 15 of Hindu Succession Act, 1956 groups the heirs of female Hindu dying intestate into
    (A) three categories
    (B) four categories
    (C) five categories
    (D) six categories
  3. The property of a Hindu woman dying intestate shall devolve firstly upon
    (A) heirs of husband
    (B) heirs of father
    (C) heirs of mother
    (D) sons, daughters and husband
  4. Husband of a female Hindu dying intestate as her heir find his place in
    (A) Entry (a) of Section (15)(1) of Hindu Succession Act
    (B) Entry (b) of Section (15)(1) of Hindu Succession Act
    (C) Entry (c) of Section (15)(1) of Hindu Succession Act
    (D) Entry (d) of Section (15)(1) of Hindu Succession Act
  5. Who amongst the following is not placed in entry (a) of section 15(1) of Hindu Succession Act, 1956
    (A) Sons and daughters
    (B) Children of a predeceased son
    (C) Children of a predeceased daughter
    (D) Heirs of husband
  6. Mother and father of the female Hindu dying intestate, under section 15(1) of Hindu Succession Act, 1956 has been placed in
    (A) Entry (a)
    (B) Entry (b)
    (C) Entry (c)
    (D) Entry (d)
  7. Under Section 15(1) (a), ‘husband’ does not include
    (A) The last lawfully married husband
    (B) A divorced husband
    (C) A husband against whom a decree of judicial separation has been passed and it has been complied with.
    (D) All of the above
  8. Under Section 15(1) (a), ‘Son’ and ‘daughter’ refers to
    (A) Legitimate son and daughter
    (B) Adopted son and daughter
    (C) Illegitimate son and daughter other than of void or voidable marriage
    (D) All of the above
  9. General rule of succession to a female Hindu, under section 15(1) of Hindu Succession Act, 1956 is
    (A) heirs in the earlier entry excludes heirs in the latter entries
    (B) heirs in all the entries take simultaneously.
    (C) heirs in all the entries take one share to be divided among the heirs in that entry per-capita
    (D) heirs at the earlier position in one entry excludes the heirs in the latter position in the same entry.
  10. Husband of a Hindu female dying intestate as heir under section 15(1) of Hindu Succession Act, 1956 takes
    (A) Simultaneously with sons and daughters of the female
    (B) Simultaneously with his son
    (C) Simultaneously with the mother and father of the female
    (D) Simultaneously with the heirs of the father of the female.
  11. Succession to the property of Hindu female inherited by her from her father, mother, husband and father in law shall be governed by
    (A) Section 15(!) of the Hindu Succession Act
    (B) Section 15 (2) of the Hindu Succession Act
    (C) Both (a) and (b)
    (D) Only (a) and not (b)
  12. The property that a female Hindu inherits from her father or mother is included in
    (A) Sec. 15 (1) (a)
    (B) Sec. 15 (2) (a)
    (C) Sec. 15 (2) (b)
    (D) Sec. 16
  13. In respect of the intestate succession to the property of a Hindu female (inherited by her from her father or mother), which of the following persons will be preferred first:
    (A) Son
    (B) Husband
    (C) Heirs of father
    (D) Father
  14. The property that a female Hindu inherits from her husband or father in law is included in
    (A) Sec. 15 (1) (a)
    (B) Sec. 15 (2) (a)
    (C) Sec. 15 (2) (b)
    (D) Sec. 16
  15. In respect of the intestate succession to the property of a Hindu female (inherited by her from her husband or father in law), which of the following persons will be preferred first:
    (A) Daugter
    (B) Husband
    (C) Heirs of husband
    (D) Father
  16. For section 15(2) of Hindu Succession Act, 1956 to be operative, the female Hindu dies
    (A) Without leaving any issue
    (B) Without leaving any son
    (C) Without leaving any daughter
    (D) Without leaving husband
  17. Section 15(2) of Hindu Succession Act, 1956 carves out
    (A) Four exceptions to Section 15(1)
    (B) Three exceptions to Section 15(1)
    (C) Two exceptions to Section 15(1)
    (D) One exception to Section 15(1)
  18. Under Section 15(2) of Hindu Succession Act, 1956 when a Hindu female dies intestate without leaving any issue and leaving behind property inherited from her father or mother , such property shall devolve upon the
    (A) Husband
    (B) Heirs of the husband
    (C) Heirs of the mother
    (D) Heirs of the father


ANSWER 1. C 2. C 3. D 4. A 5. D 6. C 7. C 8. D 9. A 10. A 11. B 12. B 13. A 14. C 15. A 16. A 17. C 18. D

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