Saturday, July 27, 2024


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  1. A Muslim marriage may be
    (A) valid marriage(sahih)
    (B) void marriage (batil)
    (C) irregular marriage (fasid)
    (D) all of the above
  2. Which of the following is a legal effect of a valid marriage?
    (A) Husband and wife acquire a right or power on each other’s property.
    (B) Status of woman does not change and she is subject to her own pre-marital school of law.
    (C) Wife is not bound to observe iddat
    (D) All of the above
  3. Shia law does not provide for
    (A) void marriage
    (B) valid marriage
    (C) irregular marriage
    (D) none of the above
  4. A Muslim marriage is void when the prohibition against marriage is
    (A) perpetual and absolute
    (B) temporary and relative
    (C) either (A) or (B)
    (D) both (A) and (B)
  5. Which of the following is a legal effect of a void marriage?
    (A) It is no marriage at all and no legal consequences flow from it
    (B) The children are illegitimate
    (C) No legal action is necessary to declare such a marriage as void.
    (D) All of the above
  6. Marriage which are irregular under the Sunni law, under the shia law, the same are
    (A) void marriage
    (B) valid marriage
    (C) voidable marriage
    (D) irregular marriage
  7. Under Muslim law, an irregular marriage is
    (A) not unlawful in itself, but unlawful for something else as where the prohibition is temporary or relative remedial.
    (B) avoidable marriage like that under English law or Hindu law
    (C) not a valid marriage but it can be made a fully valid marriage by remedying the prohibition.
    (D) both (A) and (C)
  8. In an irregular marriage, the wife is
    (A) entitled to dower if the marriage is not consummated before termination.
    (B) entitled to dower if the marriage is consummated before termination
    (C) entitled to dower irrespective of whether consummated or not.
    (D) not entitled to dower at all
  9. An irregular marriage can be terminated by
    (A) the wife
    (B) the husband
    (B) either by the wife or by the husband
    (C) only by the husband and not by the wife
  10. An irregular marriage can be terminated
    (A) after consummation
    (B) before consummation
    (C) either (A) or (B)
    (D) only before consummation and not after consummation.
  11. An irregular marriage
    (A) creates mutual rights of inheritance between husband and wife, if the marriage is consummated
    (B) creates mutual rights of inheritance between husband and wife, if the marriage is not consummated
    (C) does not create mutual rights of inheritance between husband and wife, irrespective of whether the marriage is consummated or not
    (D) does not create mutual rights of inheritance between husband and wife, irrespective of whether the marriage is not consummated
  12. In an irregular marriage, the duration of iddat is
    (A). One course
    (B). Two courses
    (C) Three courses
    (D) four courses

ANSWER 1. (D) 2. (B) 3. (C) 4. (A) 5. (D) 6. (A) 7. (D) 8. (B) 9. (C) 10. (C) 11. (C) 12. (C)

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