Saturday, July 27, 2024





  1. What does “damnum sine injuria” refer to in legal terms?
    A. Damage without injury
    B. Intentional injury
    C. Injury without damage
    D. Compensatory damages
  2. Which of the following statements best defines “damnum sine injuria”?
    A. Any damage caused to a person’s reputation.
    B. Damage caused to property without any legal injury.
    C. Physical injury resulting in monetary compensation.
    D. Emotional distress resulting from negligence.
  3. Which legal principle is associated with the concept of “damnum sine injuria”?
    A. Res ipsa loquitur
    B. Volenti non fit injuria
    C. Actus reus
    D. Mens rea
  4. In a case of “damnum sine injuria,” which of the following is likely to be true?
    A. There is damage caused to the plaintiff’s property.
    B. The defendant’s actions were intentional.
    C. The plaintiff suffered physical injury.
    D. The plaintiff cannot claim compensation as there is no legal injury.
  5. What is the key consideration in determining whether “damnum sine injuria” exists?
    A. The intention of the defendant’s actions.
    B. The monetary value of the damages.
    C. The social and legal norms of the society.
    D. Whether there has been a violation of a legal right.
  6. Which legal maxim is often used to counter the argument of “damnum sine injuria”?
    A. In dubio pro reo
    B. Causa causans
    C. Injuria sine damno
    D. Res ipsa loquitur
  7. Which scenario best exemplifies the concept of “damnum sine injuria”?
    A. A neighbour builds a fence that obstructs the plaintiff’s view but doesn’t violate any property rights.
    B. A neighbour intentionally damages the plaintiff’s car parked on the street.
    C. The defendant’s negligence leads to a car accident, causing severe injuries to the plaintiff.
    D. The defendant’s actions result in emotional distress for the plaintiff.
  8. What is the main remedy available to the plaintiff in cases of “damnum sine injuria”?
    A. Punitive damages
    B. Injunctive relief
    C. Compensatory damages
    D. Criminal prosecution
  9. Which legal principle emphasizes that one who suffers legal damage without legal injury has no right to claim compensation?
    A. Volenti non fit injuria
    B. Res ipsa loquitur
    C. Damnum absque injuria
    D. Actus reus
  10. Which term is often used as the opposite of “damnum sine injuria”?
    A. Res ipsa loquitur
    B. Injuria sine damno
    C. Volenti non fit injuria
    D. Actus reus

Answers: 1.A 2.B 3.B 4.D 5.D 6.C 7.A 8.C 9.C 10.B

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