Saturday, July 27, 2024






  1. The Hindu Succession Act came into force on
    (A) 17th March, 1956
    (B) 17th June, 1956
    (C) 17th July, 1956
    (D) 17th September, 1956
    (E) 17th December, 1956
  2. The Hindu Succession Act, 1956 extends to
    (A) The whole of India except the north-eastern states
    (B) The whole of India except the state of Jammu and Kashmir
    (C) The whole of India including the state of Jammu and Kashmir
    (D) The whole of India including the north-eastern States.
  3. Joint Hindu families in India except state of Bengal and Assam are governed by
    (A) Mitakshara School
    (B) Dayabhaga School
    (C) Both (A) and (B)
    (D) None of the above
  4. A joint Hindu family consists of
    (A) All persons lineally descended from a common ancestor and their unmarried daughters
    (B) All persons lineally descended from a common ancestors
    (C) All persons lineally descended from a common ancestors including their wives but excluding their unmarried daughters
    (D) All persons lineally descended from a common ancestors including their wives and unmarried daughters
  5. Existence of common ancestors is necessary for
    (A) Bringing a joint family into existence
    (B) Continuance of a joint family
    (C) Both (A) and (B)
    (D) Neither (A) nor (B)
  6. A Hindu joint family is a
    (A) Corporation
    (B) Composite family
    (C) Juristic person
    (D) None of the above
  7. A joint Hindu family status comes to an end when the members of the family become separate
    (A) In estate
    (B) In food and worship
    (C) In both (A) and (B)
    (D) Only (B) and not (A)
  8. Property belonging to a joint family is managed by
    (A) Karta
    (B) A coparcenar
    (C) Both (A) and (B)
    (D) Either (A) or (B)
  9. Joint Hindu Family is _
    (A) Created by act of parties
    (B) Created by agreement between parties
    (C) A creature of law
    (D) None of the above
  10. A Male member of a joint family and his sons, grandsons and great grandsons constitute a
    (A) Coparcenary
    (B) Cognate
    (C) Agnate
    (D) All of the above
    (E) None of the above
  11. One who shares equally with others in inheritance in the estate of common ancestors is called a
    (A) Agnate
    (B) Cognate
    (C) Coparcenary
    (D) Both (A) and (B)
    (E) Only (C)
  12. Under the Mitakshara School, the joint family property devolves by
    (A) Succession
    (B) Survivorship
    (C) Both (A) and (B)
    (D) Either (A) or (B)
    (E) Neither (A) nor (B)
  13. The Hindu Succession Act, 1956 preserves which mode of devolution of property
    (A) By Succession
    (B) By survivorship
    (C) Both (A) and (B)
    (D) Only (A)
    (E) Only (B)
  14. Coparcenary is a narrower body than joint family. The statement is _
    (A) True
    (B) False
    (C) Partly correct
    (D) None of the above
  15. Which of the following families cannot be a joint Hindu family
    (A) A family consists of only two male members
    (B) A family consisting of a single male members, his wife and daughters
    (C) A family consists of only two widows
    (D) A family consists of a single male or female


ANSWER 1B 2C 3A 4D 5C 6D 7C 8A 9C 10A 11C 12B 13D 14A 15D

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