Friday, July 26, 2024




3 AUGUST 2021


  1. Name the country which has taken over the UNSC presidency in August month?
    a) US
    b) China
    c) India
    d) Russia
  2. Who has been appointed as the new Controller General of Accounts (CGA) in August, 2021?
    a) V.N. Kaul
    b) Deepak Das
    c) Rajiv Maharishi
    d) Soma Roy
  3. Who will be honoured with prestigious Lokamanya Tilak National Award 2021’?
    a) Deepak Tilak
    b) Cyprus Poonawala
    c) Adar Poonawala
    d) Sanjay
  4. With which Institution, Japan International Cooperation Agency signed a record of discussions with India to strengthen its technical cooperation
    a) IIT Madras
    b) IIT Hyderabad
    c) IIT Bombay
    d) IISc Bangalore
  5. Name the author of the book My own Mazagaon: The History of a little Island in the Bombay Archipelago?
    a) Narayan Prasad
    b) Shekhar Sinha
    c) Shashi Tharoor
    d) Ramesh Babu


  1. C
  2. B
  3. C
  4. B
  5. D

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