Saturday, July 27, 2024


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  1. The rule of Mutual agency has been given under which of the following sections of the Indian Partnership Act, 1932: –
    A. Section 15
    B. Section 16
    C. Section 17
    D. Section 18
    ANSWER: -D
  2. According to the Indian Contract Act, 1872, privity of contract means: –
    A. A stranger to a contract can file a suit
    B. A stranger to a contract cannot file a suit
    C. A stranger to a consideration can file a suit
    D. None of the above
    ANSWER: – B
  3. In which of the following cases, it has been held that, โ€œthe plea of acquisition of title by adverse possession can be taken by the plaintiff under Article 65 of the Limitation Act, 1963, and there is no bar under the Limitation Act, 1963, to sue on aforesaid bases in case of infringement of any right of a plaintiffโ€: –
    A. Abdul Badshah vs. Century Wool Industries
    B. Abdul Latif vs. Gopeshwar
    C. Ravinder Kaur Grewal vs. Manjit Kaur
    D. None of the above
    ANSWER: – C
  4. According to Section 20 of the East Punjab Urban Rent Restriction Act, 1949, which of the following authorities have power to make rules: –
    A. Deputy Commissioner
    B. Collector
    C. Judicial Magistrate First Class
    D. State Government
    ANSWER: – D
  5. According to section 3(3) of the Punjab Courts Act, 1918, the term โ€œunclassed suitโ€ means: –
    A. A suit which is a small cause suit
    B. A suit which is a land suit
    C. A suit which is neither a small cause nor a land suit
    D. None of the above
    ANSWER: – C

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