Saturday, July 27, 2024





Write a detailed note on presidential form of government.

The presidential form of Government is also known as non-responsible or non-parliamentary or fixed executive system of government basically built on the principle of separation of power and is prevalent in USA, Brazil, Russia, Sri Lanka among others.

Features of Presidential Form Of Government

  1. The American President is both the head of the state and the head of the government. As the head of the state, he occupies a ceremonial position. As the head of the government, he leads the executive organ of government.
  2. The president is elected by an electoral college for a fixed tenure of four years.
  3. He cannot be removed by the Congress except by impeachment for a grave unconstitutional act.
  4. The president governs with the help of a cabinet or a smaller body called ‘Kitchen Cabinet’. It is only an advisory body and consist of non elected departmental secretaries. They are selected and appointed by him, are responsible only to him and can be removed by him any time.

Merits of Presidential Form Of Government

  1. The Presidential system of government makes for quick decisive actions. The constitution did not even make it mandatory for the president to call a meeting of the executive council before he can take action on any issue. The president is at liberty to either consult his ministers or any of them, or refuse to seek their opinion in taking decisions.
  2. Another advantage of the presidential system of government is that the President has a free hand in appointing his ministers and other government appointees.
  3. A Presidential system of Government, the branches of the government work separately and it becomes easier to maintain the system checks and balances.
  4. President is elected for fixed tenure of four years. A Presidential government is more stable and efficient. The term of the President is fixed and is not subject to majority support in the legislative.

Demerits of Presidential Form Of Government

  1. The presidential system is a risk to dictatorship which is dangerous to the democratic process. The Presidential form of governance is autocratic as it places a lot of power in the hands of one person.
  2. Separation of powers may lead to conflicts between the executive and the legislature. There is less possibility of good laws, Acts because there is no harmony between executive and legislature.
  3. The presidential system of government gives discretionary power to the President to choose the people of his choice for his cabinet to form the government. The President may misuse this power which might affect the political working of the state.
  4. The Presidential system lacks flexibility. because, once the President has been elected, the nation must continue with him, no matter whether it likes or dislikes his policies.

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